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Drilled Piers for New Developments

Drilled piers play a pivotal role in the foundation of new developments, offering a robust and reliable support system for structures. In the context of construction, especially in areas with challenging soil conditions, drilled piers provide a deep foundation solution. The process involves drilling cylindrical holes into the ground and then filling them with reinforced concrete, creating sturdy vertical support for buildings. This foundation method is particularly advantageous in new developments where soil stability is crucial for the structural integrity of the project. Drilled piers distribute the load of the structure effectively, mitigating the risks associated with settling or shifting ground. Their adaptability to various soil types and load-bearing capacities makes drilled piers a popular choice for ensuring the stability and durability of foundations in new construction projects.

Helical Piles

Helical piers are a highly effective solution for establishing solid foundations in new developments. Designed for versatility and adaptability, these screw-like, steel shafts are mechanically advanced into the soil to provide strong support for structures. Helical piers are particularly advantageous in areas with challenging soil conditions, offering stability and load-bearing capacity. The installation process involves twisting the piers into the ground until they reach a stable stratum, ensuring a secure foundation for new buildings. This method is not only efficient but also minimizes environmental impact, making helical piers a popular choice for new developments where soil variability and foundation stability are crucial considerations. The use of helical piers in new construction projects contributes to the longevity and resilience of structures, providing a reliable foundation solution for a variety of building types.

Helical Piers
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Drilled Shafts

Drilled piers, also known as drilled shafts or caissons, are essential components of deep foundations in construction projects. These cylindrical, reinforced concrete structures are installed by drilling into the earth to reach load-bearing soil or rock layers beneath the surface. Drilled piers serve as robust vertical supports for various structures, such as bridges, high-rise buildings, and industrial facilities. The drilling process can penetrate significant depths, allowing these piers to transfer heavy loads from the structure to stable soil or rock formations. This deep foundation method is particularly valuable in areas with challenging soil conditions, providing a reliable solution for ensuring the stability and safety of structures in diverse construction projects. The versatility and load-bearing capacity of drilled piers make them a preferred choice for deep foundation applications, contributing to the overall durability and integrity of the built environment

Drilled Shafts
Micro Piles

Micropiles are a sophisticated foundation solution that proves highly effective in establishing stable support for new structures. Comprising small-diameter, high-strength steel elements, micropiles are drilled or driven into the ground and grouted in place to create a durable foundation. These piles are especially useful in areas with limited access or challenging soil conditions, offering a versatile and reliable solution for new foundations. Micropiles are adept at transferring loads through friction and end-bearing mechanisms, making them suitable for various construction applications, including buildings, bridges, and retaining walls. Their adaptability, high load-bearing capacity, and minimal environmental impact make micropiles a preferred choice in modern construction, providing a solid foundation for the longevity and stability of new structures.

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©2023 by Golden State Shoring


(415) 498-1411

Hours of Operation

Mon - Fri: 7:30am - 3:30pm


655 Irwin St, Suite B
San Rafael, CA 94901


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